The Wild Wellbeing Blog
How to winter well
Many people find winter to be the hardest season. The cold weather and the lack of light are often cited as the main reasons for this. This blog will give you some tips on how to ‘winter well’. To summarise: it’s all about maintaining your connection with nature (in all weathers) and using the extra darkness as a time to rest, be cozy, get creative and dream about the future.
What is ecopsychology?
Ecopsychology represents the intersection of psychology and ecology, recognizing the intricate connection between human beings and the rest of life.
Eco anxiety in context
Many of us are feeling very upset about the ecological destruction caused by our species and anxious about the future of the planet. Often called eco anxiety or climate anxiety, it’s a completely natural response to the situation we’re in. We face a massive existential threat to our survival. A threat of our own making.